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How to cook Uncle Tobys Traditional Oats

You can cook Uncle Tobys Traditional Oats on a stovetop or microwave, but we recommend the stovetop method if you've got the time.

min prep 4 to 5 mins
serves 2 or 3


Stovetop method

1½ cups of Uncle Tobys Traditional Oats

3⅓ cups of water or skim milk

Microwave method

1 cup of Uncle Tobys Traditional Oats

1½ cups of water or 1⅓ cups of skim milk




Stovetop method

Place 1½ cups of oats and 3⅓ cups of skim milk into a thick-based saucepan.

Bring to a boil, stir, then boil for 5 minutes until oats are thick and creamy.

Add a dash of skim milk after cooking. Serve into bowls and add your favourite toppings (LINK) for a delicious and wholesome start to your day.


Microwave method

Add 1 cup of oats and 1½ cups of water or 1⅓ cups of skim milk to a microwave-safe bowl.

Cook on HIGH for 2½ minutes, then stir.

Cook for a further 2 minutes.

Serve into bowls and add your favourite toppings for a delicious and wholesome start to your day.

To serve 1, use ½ cup of Uncle Tobys Traditional Oats and ¾ cup of water or ⅔ cup of skim milk. Cook for 1½ minutes, stir, then cook for 1 minute more.

To serve 3, use 1½ cups of Uncle Tobys Traditional Oats and 2¼ cups of water or 2⅔ cups of skim milk. Cook for 3 minutes, stir, then cook for 3 minutes more.

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