Support men to support each other

Since 2017 we have stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Men’s Shed to promote social inclusion and mental and physical wellbeing across the Riverina and Indigo Shire communities.
Men’s Sheds are a modern take on the backyard shed that has long been a part of Australian culture and a place for men to connect. Today the Australian Men's Shed Association supports almost 1000 Men's Sheds across Australia which help men find social inclusion and meaningful participation in their local community.
With a focus on the Riverina and Indigo Shire (the home of Uncle Tobys), our partnership aims to increase awareness of Men’s Sheds and contribute financially to help deliver a range of programs throughout the year such as those below.
Spanner in the Works? Health Checks at Henty Field Days
Over the years, Uncle Tobys and Men’s Shed have been regulars at Henty Field Day by teaming up with Charles Sturt University to deliver free Spanner in the Works? health checks at Henty Field Days.
Our most valuable piece of machinery is our own body …and its condition. Yet we often get our machinery serviced at regular intervals and don’t have a proper maintenance schedule to look after our health.
In 2022, the program delivered 433 health checks.
Community Grants Program
Our Community Grants Program was first launched in 2018 and has since become the key cornerstone of the partnership. It invites Men's Sheds to apply for funding that enables them to complete goodwill community projects such as community gardens, outdoor seating, native birdhouses and refurbishment of community spaces.
In 2021, the Griffith (NSW) Men's Shed built a Chicken coop for the local Lake Wyangan School teaching kids about where food comes from and educating them on caring for animals.
For more details on the Australian Men’s Shed Association and shed locations, visit
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